Vacuum cleaning of floors and surfaces
洒落的大量水泥需要超过50名工人竭尽全力的清理但还是不能应对清理任务。沃瓦克S24车载工业除尘设备既可用于移动式粉尘清理,又可作为主机通过管道连接清理多处粉尘。More than 50 workers manually try to clean spillages continuously but cannot cope with the huge spillage quantities, The new S 24 vacuum truck from Ruwac can be used as mobile vacuum and connected to the central vacuum pipeline.
Vacuum Truck
Clean spillages and collect clean material for recycling through a pipeline connected recharge system. Save and reduce manpower. Recover spilled material back to the production.
More then 200 tons of accumulated spilled cement and klinker material. Material loss and manpower costs high.
The RUWAC S 24 vacuum truck is flexible and mobile to be used at any point of the plant and can even be moved to other plants due to its full road going permit and license. The unit will also be connected to fixed pipelines where hoses cannot reach.
RUWAC S 24 vacuum truck with Sibilia pump and Deutz engine.Technical specification: Engine 97 kw / Performance 850 mbar / 3200 m3 for up to 20 t/h of dry cement.
1. 独立的柴油驱动电机和高负压真空泵
2. 连接长软管和管路后仍可保持高性能
3. 移动灵活
4. 大容量物料存储空间
5. 所有部件适合重工业工况
6. 沃瓦克马来西亚团队和Deutz可提供完善的服务保养和技术支持
7. 尼桑高性能重卡
1. Independent Diesel drive with high vacuum pump
2. High performance for long hoses and pipeline
3. Mobile and flexible operation
4. Large container storage capacity
5. Ultra heavy duty design of all components
6. Full service and operation support by RUWAC Malaysia and Deutz
7. Nissan high spec and quality truck