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Mission critical
What do we call a “mission critical” application for our RUWAC solutions?

High: The production process and/or product quality depends directly on the efficiency and performance of the dust control system. We find such applications for example in the PCB production, where our RUWAC vacuum is in charge to dedust continuously from a router or other process machine.

Laser marking and welding machines for automotive parts are other examples.

If dust control does not work properly or is down, the production must be stopped.

Medium: The dust control process is critical for reasons such as quality control but also explosion protection.

However, short interruptions of dust control can be tolerated.

Low: The vacuum system is required but no production or quality control process directly depends on the vacuum.

在使用了集定制吸嘴与自动启停装置为一体的DS1221吸尘器之后,产品的质量得到了很大的提升而且设备的性能远远优于之前其他厂家的设备。 RUWAC的解决方案是根据我们的要求量身定制。 设备的质量和使用寿命以及RUWAC中国区的服务说服了我们。
