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Dust and contact-free airgun supported cleaning with DS 6 dust extractor

Dust and contact-free airgun supported cleaning with DS 6 dust extractor

Japanese Food Ingredients Producer, Thailand 2022

To clean mixers, feeders, and conveyors dry, fast, and efficient with the RUWAC 2-stage machine cleaning method.


  1. Using only vacuum cleaners needs too much time and deep inside mixers and feeders it is difficult to reach with vacuum nozzles.
  2. Instead high pressure air gun is used to loosen up residues inside the mixers and make them airborne.
  3. With DS 6 high airvolume extractor and custom made extraction plates for each equipment this airborne dust is easily picked up in a dust free manner.
  4. Only the heavier particles at the bottom will then be vacuumed by the DA 1300 in a second step.


    1. Combination of high airvolume dust collection with custom made suction plates for fine and high vacuum industrial vacuums for heavy dust.


  1. Limit the contact of tools to the mixer surface.
  2. Fast, efficient, and dust free combination of extraction and vacuum cleaning to reduce overall cleaning times between shifts.
  3. Reduce contamination
  4. Reduce the need for water based cleaning

在使用了集定制吸嘴与自动启停装置为一体的DS1221吸尘器之后,产品的质量得到了很大的提升而且设备的性能远远优于之前其他厂家的设备。 RUWAC的解决方案是根据我们的要求量身定制。 设备的质量和使用寿命以及RUWAC中国区的服务说服了我们。
