Our OEM customer Trumpf Ltd., a manufacturer of 3D laser sintering machines, received a NA7-11H wet-separator on 27th February 2018.
The purpose of this vacuum unit is to generally clean highly explosive aluminium and titanium powders from 3D laser sintering machines, which have a minimum ignition energy of lower than 1mJ.
Trumpf Ltd. says that the NA7-11H is a necessary asset when cleaning their line of 3D laser sintering machines in order to comply with special regulations regarding the handling of titanium powder and other reactive powders.
In this particular order regarding the NA7-11H wet-separator, the end user is Mahidol University whereas the institute will teach the students on how to clean and properly dispose of highly reactive powders such as titanium and aluminium powders.
在使用了集定制吸嘴与自动启停装置为一体的DS1221吸尘器之后,产品的质量得到了很大的提升而且设备的性能远远优于之前其他厂家的设备。 RUWAC的解决方案是根据我们的要求量身定制。 设备的质量和使用寿命以及RUWAC中国区的服务说服了我们。